Source databases
The data in current edition of the Catalogue of Life have been provided by 156 databases. Most datasets include one or more global species database sectors (GSDs), i.e. datasets being developed to cover all of the world's species in a particular group of organisms. Several datasets provide regional information for groups not yet covered globally. The datasets result from collaboration and editing by many expert taxonomists, whose names are found in the datasets themselves. A brief summary is listed below giving: database name; home page address; the author(s) or editor(s); host organisation; the group for which data are provided, preceded by its higher classification; and the number of species and infraspecific taxa included in this checklist.
Database Qualifiers
In the Catalogue of Life we introduce "Database Qualifiers" which shown in the interface. Qualifiers give users a quick guide to the reliability of presented data. Qualifiers have been given by authors/editors of each database and appear on the Database Details page, and alongside, with the database name on each Species Details page. Qualifiers reflect data reliability in the Catalogue of Life only, and are not applicable to the original view of the database throught its own website. Qualifiers include:
• Taxonomic Completeness (values 1 - 100%)
• Checklist Confidence (values